The only thing which seems inconsistent with them is the fact which had not been observed when the paper to which I have referred was written that one of the two coins described as " unknown " resembles though the inscriptions are not decipherable a coin of Valens, whose reign was about seventy years later than A. In another specimen, instead of S. On Inedited Roman Coins, of M. For many years ambassador at the Court of Athens, he was subsequently removed to Berlin, but from to he was the Austrian Resident at Constantinople. Snelling, in his Billon Plate Fig. It was sometimes used to distinguish the younger of two persons Cses.
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Feuardent says 63 that the legend MAX. By the addition of four more, M. A very rare jetton was struck in Of these Pliny mentions the Ampreutee, the Lazi, the Salce surnamed phthirophagi, or lice-eaters , the Suani, San- nigce, and others ; 2 all of whom were governed by chiefs tributary to the king of Persia. Cohen, " SuppL," No. I may, however, observe that Eusebius specially states that the title of Victor was adopted by Constantine I.

Search the history of over billion web pages on the Internet. Factum abiit monumenta ibanent. Page Drachms of Aristarchos, Dynast of Colchis. S 11, Mounaies des Latfly de Carie. By the Eight Hon. By John Evans, Esq.

Notes towards a Metallic History of Scotland. John Harris Gibson, Esq. The following presents were announced and laid upon the table: The Smithsonian Reports for,j,; also the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Latelly.

From the Smithsonian Institution. Annual Report of the Director of the U. Mint for the fiscal year ending June 30, Taylor, reprinted from the American Journal of Science and Arts, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Transactions of the same.

From the Kent Archaeo- logical Society. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, London. Bulletins de la Societe des Antiquaires de 1'Ouest, 2 me trimestre de The Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Journal.

From the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal. Scheson Zeitschrift fur Numismatik. Revue Beige de Numismatique, Bactrian Coins and Indian Dates. By Edward Thomas, Esq.

Observations sur un Didrac. Monnaies rares ou inedites. A Guide to the Royal Architectural Museum. Paul Lambros, Athens, Monnaies inedites d'Antioche et de Tripoli. The Abbe Cochet, F.

have i told you lately matt acheson

Smith exhibited a medal of the son of Napoleon I. Leonard Wyon, at the age of sixteen. Vize, in illustration of Prince Ghica's article, in the last number of the "Num. This rare medal is engraved in the Numismatische Zeitschrift of Vienna, vol.

Only two specimens are known, one of which is in the Vienna Museum, the other in the cabinet of M. Demetrius Sturdza, of Bucharest. Papers were also communicated by Dr. Patrick, the latter entitled "Contributions towards a Metallic History of Scotland. Robertson were elected members of the Society. The Records of the Coinage of Scotland. Examen chronologique des Monnaies frappees par la communaute des Mace'doniens.

Statere d'Or inedit du Chersonese taurique avec le nom d'un Roi scythe Hegetouamaros ou Hegetouagaros.

have i told you lately matt acheson

lztely The American Journal of Numismatics. Evans exhibited a bronze medallion of the Empress Lucilla ; also an electrotype of a unique Jewish shekel, bearing the date Year 5, no other coin of this date having previously come to light. This interesting coin was one of the large find of shekels discovered near Jerusalem in the winter of The original specimen weighs grs. It has lately passed into the cabinet of the Rev.

Gardner exhibited a cast of an iron coin of Hermams, the last king of Bactria, found in one of the ruined cities of Turkestan. Arnold exhibited a gold ornament or fastening, of latly class generally known as Irish ring-money; also a gold coin of the Emperor Frederic IV. Frentzel exhibited a medal of Prince von Bismarck ; also specimens of the new coinage of Hamburg and Den- mark.

Pearson exhibited a set of dies of doubtful authenticity for Transylvanian and Wallachian coins of the fifteenth, six- teenth, and seventeenth centuries. Jahrbiicher des Vereins von Alterthumsfreunden im Rhein- laude. Heft 57 and Die Mittelalterliche Kunst in Soest.

• What a Girl Wants () Bande son BO •

Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Bulletins de la Societe des Antiquaires de 1'Ouest. The tenth annual Report of the Warden of the Standards for From the Warden of the Standards. Dissertation sur une Monnaie inedite d'un Roi inconnu du Bosphore cimmerien Ineeus. Evans exhibited a drawing of an unpublished penny of Archbishop Aethilheard, lately found near St.

Edmund's Chapel, Rochester Cathedral. In inner circle EPT Eev. It is in bad condition, and some of the letters are doubtful. Smith sent for exhibition two ancient British copper coins, found at Springhead, Kent. Pearson exhibited a silver piece of fifty reals of Philip IV. Hoblyn exhibited six specimens of rare coins of William III.

The Eevue Beige de Numisrnatique, Pearson exhibited a third brass coin of Constantius II. Six, of Amsterdam, communicated a paper on the coins of the Satraps of Caria. From the United States Com- missioner of Education. Aarboger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie. Tillaeg to the volume for From the Society of Northern Antiquaries.

From the Numismatic Society of Montreal. Eight papers on Irish Coins. Published in the Transactions of the Kilkenny Archasological Society. Vaux exhibited a gold coin of Diodotus, King of Bac- triana. Neck exhibited two milled half-crowns of Charles II. Proceeding to the era of the barbarian invasions, the writer was of opinion that a large proportion of the coinage in each invaded territory, becoming diverted from its proper uses, was employed only to pay taxes or tributes to the German conquerors, and was by them frequently converted into bullion or ornaments.

Gold being the metal especially prized, Mr. Keary contended that the chief use of a gold coinage now became the paying of these taxes, while the money in the baser metals alone remained current among the earlier inhabitants. He next examined the earliest coinages of the various barbarian invaders, Burgundians, Visigoths, Vandals, c. An Account of certain Scotch Coins and.

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Counterfeits found in Ireland. By Aquilla Smith, M. Essays in Oriental Numismatics. By Stanley Lane Poole. Bulletins de la Societe des Antiquaires de 1' Quest. Lord Selborne communicated a paper on a large Find of Roman coins in Achesson Park, in the parish of Selborne, in Clayton, of Chesters, Northumberland, and expressed a hope that the owner would also shortly communicate to the Numismatic Society a detailed account of the contents of the chest.

Ireland was duly elected a member of the Society. Revue Beige de Numismatique, 2 me liv. Memoires de la Societe des Antiquaires de 1'Ouest. Societe des Antiquaires de la Morinie.

have i told you lately matt acheson

Memoires of the same. Memoires de la Societe royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Tillaeg til Aarboger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie. Hoblyn exhibited a rare shilling of William III.


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